All exhibitors enjoy free listings, but we offer additional advertising opportunities to support marketing strategy and distinguish your organization at conference. Elevate your organization’s exposure by considering the options below.
Contact us to learn more about your options to make an impact, or simply reserve your spot now. Checks, MasterCard and Visa are all accepted by the online registration system.
Upload Advertising Artwork Files Here
Conference Program AdConference Program Ad
Ad Type | Dimensions | Cost |
Outside Back Cover (Color) | 8.5" W x 11" H + 0.125" bleeds on all four sides | $735 |
Inside Back Cover (Color) | 8.5" W x 11" H + 0.125" bleeds on all four sides | $600 |
Inside Front Cover (Color) | 8.5" W x 11" H + 0.125" bleeds on all four sides | $600 |
Full Page (Black & White) | 7.75" W x 10" H | $375 |
Horizontal Half Page (Black & White) | 7.75" W x 4.875" H | $250 |
Vertical Half Page (Black & White) | 3.75" W x 10" H | $250 |
Quarter Page (Black & White) | 3.5” W x 4.75” H | $185 |
Complete the online registration to reserve this opportunity. Checks, MasterCard, and Visa are all accepted. Advertising reservation and artwork due September 1.
Wisconsin School Musician Magazine Ad
Wisconsin School Musician, the official magazine of WMEA and WSMA, is published three times a school year in September, January, and April. Sign up to advertise in all three magazine issues before July 15 and receive a 10% discount on all your ads. If you are interested in your conference ad (or a different ad) appearing in the September 2026 issue, please complete the WSM insertion order (AVAILABLE IN APRIL 2025) before July 15.
For all other information on advertising with WSMA, please visit Space reservations and artwork for September 2026 issue are due July 15.
WSMA State Honors Music Project Program Ad
WSMA State Honors Music Project concerts are scheduled in conjunction with the conference, and WSMA produces two printed programs to be distributed at these events: one for the high school concerts and another middle level concert. Advertising is available for both programs in full color. Advertiser content must be in keeping with WSMA standards.
All ads are the same size (6.5” W x 10.5” H) and the artwork should be a full color, 300 dpi PDF with all images and fonts embedded and uploaded to our file transfer form.
$785 – High School Honors Program Outside Back Cover Ad
$680 – High School Honors Program Interior Full Page Ad
$525 – Middle Level Honors Program Outside Back Cover Ad
$420 – Middle Level Honors Program Interior Full Page Ad
Complete the online registration to reserve this opportunity. Checks, MasterCard, and Visa are all accepted. Advertising reservation and artwork due September 1.
Attendee Resource Center Web Banner
The Attendee Resource Center web site is the home of all conference material relevant to our attendees. Before the conference, this includes online registration, housing details, State Honors Project group conductor bios, session descriptions, performance schedules, and more. After the conference, this includes attendee surveys and session hand outs. There are five ads available and one organization can take advantage of more than one of the five spots.
Your non-animated web graphic (GIF or JPEG, < 40 kb, 180 pixels wide x 150 pixels high) will be displayed in a prominent location in the upper left hand corner on all conference pages. You may update the image we host up to once a month throughout the seasonal run. We will link the ad to the URL of your choice. The season begins when we receive your paperwork and ends on November 30. Artwork should be sent to our file transfer form. Advertiser content must be in keeping with WMEA standards.
Complete the online registration to reserve this opportunity. Checks, MasterCard, and Visa are all accepted. $210 per seasonal run. Space reservation and artwork due October 1.
Conference App Advertisement
Accessible before, during, and after conference, our app promotes attendance with an exclusive list of all conference sessions, performances, and events. It is also a popular tool to complement, or use instead of, the conference program while attendees are at conference.
$140 – Banner Ad: A 300 x 50 pixel Banner Ad will be featured at the bottom of several key pages, including the landing page. There are five ads available on the app and one organization can take advantage of more than one of the five spots.
Complete the online registration to reserve this opportunity. Checks, MasterCard, and Visa are all accepted. Space reservation and artwork due October 1.
Attendee Pre-Registration Newsletter Ad
WMEA and WSMA do not sell or share member email addresses. We do, however, send two pre-conference email newsletters to our membership and offer two advertising opportunities in each.
Your ad will include a 100-word message, your artwork of up to 180 W x 150 H pixels (non-animated GIF or JPEG graphic), and a link. The newsletter will be sent to more than 3,300 prospective attendees and include online registration, important scheduling information, and conference details. Advertiser content must be in keeping with WMEA standards.
$165 – Limit two advertisers per newsletter
Newsletters sent weeks of October 9 and 16
Artwork, link, and 100-word message should be sent to our file transfer form. Email for an example of a past newsletter if you are interested in this opportunity.
Complete the online registration to reserve this opportunity. Checks, MasterCard, and Visa are all accepted. Space reservation and artwork due September 1.
Customize Your Landing Page
Your exhibit package includes both a link from the WMEA website and your web address printed in the conference program. Be sure to customize your landing page to display a targeted message. Instead of listing your website as “,” create a new page for attendees and list it as “” or “” to ensure they see your best products!
There will be no charge for linking to your custom page, and you’ll greet traffic with a targeted, easily updated message of your own design. It’s a simple way to get the most out of your participation. No cost – handled by your own webmaster.
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